Rabu, 28 April 2010

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The Thing I Didn't Know I Didn't Know, by Brent Hartinger

The Thing I Didn't Know I Didn't Know, by Brent Hartinger

The Thing I Didn't Know I Didn't Know, by Brent Hartinger

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The Thing I Didn't Know I Didn't Know, by Brent Hartinger

"I guess this was what they meant by a loss of innocence. Who knew?"

Russel Middlebrook is 23 years old, gay, and living in trendy Seattle, but life isn't keeping up with the hype. Most of his friends have a direction in life - either ruthlessly pursuing their careers or passionately embracing their own aimlessness. But Russel is stuck in place. All he knows is that crappy jobs, horrible dates, and pointless hook-ups just aren't cutting it anymore.

What's the secret? What does everyone else know that he doesn't?

Enter Kevin, Russel's perfect high school boyfriend. Could rekindling an old flame be the thing Russel needs to get his life back on track? Or maybe the answer lies in a new friend, an eccentric screenwriter named Vernie Rose, who seems plenty wise. Or what the hell? Maybe Russel will find some answers by joining his best friend Gunnar's crazy search for the legendary bigfoot!

One way or another, Russel is determined to learn the all-important secret to life, even if it's a thing he doesn't even know he doesn't know.

  • Sales Rank: #23933 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-05-18
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 403 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
The Thing We All Needed To Know (And Read!)
By Brian the Writer
Brent Hartinger enters the world of NA Literature exactly the same way he entered the world of YA Literature, with deft aptitude for knowing the pulse of his readers. In The Thing I Didn’t Know I Didn’t Know, Hartinger has captured the fears, concerns and insecurities of the lost 20something in the 21st Century. Hartinger’s readers have grown up since the debut of his highly acclaimed first novel, The Geography Club, and his most famous character Russel Middlebrook has grown up, too. Readers will feel a sense of familiarity when reading The Thing I Didn’t Know I Didn’t Know and will be pleased to be able to reconnect with their favorite characters (Russel, Min, Gunnar, Kevin), but now on the same level and maturity as them.

Hartinger was smart to tackle the issues plaguing the young, gay, 20something. NA is a new but much needed genre in literature. It bridges the gap between the YA years and the over 25 adult years, and I applaud Hartinger for giving us a novel that explores this crucial and often unwritten about time in anyone’s life. The novel feels so real and so now. Readers will be able to identify with Russel’s conflicts: the complexities of hooking-up, the aimlessness of not knowing your true passion and purpose in life, and the desire for an ex who reminds you of a time when you were truly happy.

I found myself once again connecting with Russel Middelbrook and his friends and was glad to have the opportunity to do so. Few authors have been able to take their young adult characters and age them into adulthood as successfully as Brent Hartinger has done. What is so great is that once again, when we need Hartinger and his characters the most, they are here to give us the insight and the support we need.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
(I didn't want it to end so I tried to make the book last as long as possible) I just knew I had to write a review to say how am
By Andrew Carrillo
After finally finishing the latest installment of the Russel Middlebrook series, (I didn't want it to end so I tried to make the book last as long as possible) I just knew I had to write a review to say how amazing it is. I've been a fan of the series since Geography Club first came out, pun intended, and seeing Russel's evolution in the latest entry is a breath of fresh air.

I won't go into the details of the plot because you just have to read the synopsis for that, but Russel has come a long way since we first saw the closeted teen back in the day. What I loved most about this book is the fact that readers old and new can relate to Russel on some level. Brent does an excellent job portraying gay and single men in their twenties and the struggle we all face when trying to find out who we really are. Russel struggles with finding his place on the spectrum (single and ready to mingle...unrequited love...post-grad job and the struggle of finally getting your "dream" job) and I couldn't help but relate to that on every level.

What I enjoy about this series is that I keep wanting to know more and more about the characters. I love seeing how far they've come because that's what makes me love book series...wanting to be part of each character's journey. Min...Gunnar...Russel...Kevin...all of them.

How does this compare to the others in the series? It's just as good if not better. The other four in the series all tie together as does the latest installment, but you don't necessarily have to read them in order to understand The Thing I Didn't Know I Didn't Know. Brent does a good job of getting the readers to understand the backstory without repeating every single detail that took place in the original books. I look forward to reading the next chapter in Russel's adventure.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Exceptional & Thoroughly Enjoyable Romance Novel!!
By Christoff
I'm starting my review with a short personal experience with this book. I liked the first 1/3 of the book, but then kind of lost interest in the next 1/3. I always take the book I'm currently reading with me to the laundromat on Thursday afternoons. Lo and behold, one Thursday evening I realized that I'd left "The Thing I Didn't Know" at the laundromat. I reasoned that it probably happened because I had lost interest in the book. Was I surprised a week later to find the book pretty much untouched in the laundromat. I picked it up, took it home, recapped and continued reading.

How glad I am that I reconnected with this book. Something happened in that week during the absence of the book. because I really liked the book to completion. Russel is an adorable character; very relatable and his encounters so realistic. I loved his sexual encounters with Boston, Felicks and of course Kevin - especially their meeting at the "stinky picnic gazebo" .

Then there's the inimitable Vernie & how their friendship came about; His room mates Gunnar & Min; his jobs at the Bake + as lifeguard; his coining of the comparisons of Unstoppable Career Drive versus Passionate Aimlessness; the "Seattle scene"............ I so loved this book when I finished it, that I immediately ordered the sequel "Barefoot In The City of Broken Dreams".

I can not recommend this book strongly enough! If you like exceptional romance novels with an edge, then buy this book NOW and hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I did. I will also certainly re-read it again!! Bravo Brent Hartinger! Long live Russel Middlebrook!!

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Kamis, 22 April 2010

[X390.Ebook] Download Principles of Geographical Information Systems, by Peter A. Burrough, Rachael A. McDonnell, Christopher D. Lloyd

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Principles of Geographical Information Systems, by Peter A. Burrough, Rachael A. McDonnell, Christopher D. Lloyd

Principles of Geographical Information Systems, by Peter A. Burrough, Rachael A. McDonnell, Christopher D. Lloyd

Principles of Geographical Information Systems, by Peter A. Burrough, Rachael A. McDonnell, Christopher D. Lloyd

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Principles of Geographical Information Systems, by Peter A. Burrough, Rachael A. McDonnell, Christopher D. Lloyd

Geographical data are used in so many aspects of our lives today, ranging from disaster relief operations through to finding directions on our mobile phones. We can all be data collectors, adding locational information as we capture digitally our day-to-day experiences. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are the software tools that facilitate this, turning the raw data into useful information that can help us understand our worlds better.

Principles of Geographical Information Systems presents a thorough overview of the subject, exploring both the theoretical basis of GIS, and their use in practice. It explains how data on the world are converted into digital form and the analytical capabilities used to bring understanding to a range of areas of interest and issues.

Spatial data are usually based on two, dichotomous paradigms: exactly defined entities in space, such as land parcels and urban structures, or the continuous variation of single attributes, such as temperature or rainfall. The adoption of one or the other influences how the geographical data are structured in the GIS and the types of analysis possible. A further area of focus in the book concerns the problems of data quality and how statistical errors in spatial data can affect the results of spatial modelling based on the two paradigms of space. Fuzzy logic and continuous classification methods are presented as methods for linking the two spatial paradigms. The book concludes with an overview of current developments and trends in providing spatial data to an ever-expanding global community of users.

Online Resource Centre
The Online Resource Centre to accompany Principles of Geographical Information Systems features:

For students:
DT Links to useful software and software providers for GIS
DT Datasets with instructions of how to repeat analyses presented in the book using widely-used software

For registered adopters of the book:
DT Figures from the book, available for download

  • Sales Rank: #1022576 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-06-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.70" h x .70" w x 10.40" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 432 pages

Review from previous edition [This second edition] builds upon the previous work in providing a very welcome basic, concise and more up to date introduction to the principles underlying GISs ... a osund and readable introduction to a complex subject. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, v. 9 no. 3, 2000 Choosing a course text in the early post-GIS years was very easy. Peter Burrough's Principles of geographical Information Systems for Land Resources Assessment was the definitive work. Beautifully written and illustrated...Peter Burrough set himself a hard act to follow...In almost every respect this is a new book, and not the second edition it purports to be...So, this is a rarity in textbook publishing a second edition that improves on the first. It looks set to be my recommended course text for many years to come. David Unwin/GIS Europe June 1998. This book presents a strong theoritical basis for GIS, which is often lacking in other texts...the optimising of timber extraction from forests and the redistribution of Chernobyl radioactivity by floods are explained clearly in detail. Mapping Awareness April 1998 This new publication is up to date and provides comprehensive coverage of virtually all aspects of GIS. It is clearly written and technical where appropriate ... it should be recommended for postgraduate courses and for all teachers of GIS. David Walker, The Times Higher Education Supplement

About the Author
Christopher D. Lloyd is a senior lecturer in geography at the University of Liverpool.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent text for introductory UK/EU/global instruction
By Alex B.
This is a European (UK) view of GIS and its applications, which I found cited in a bibliographic reference. Its emphasis is on general principles and methods, and it's a useful text for those whose experience begins with European geographic features and datasets, and mathematical training. The introductory treatments of statistics and mathematical modeling of spatial phenomena -- missing from most US texts on GIS -- are excellent. However, introductory courses for Americans normally present these topics through software and tutorials for ESRI's ArcGIS, in which mathematical foundations are limited to general descriptions of software functions. An instructor's presentation of these methods should not be framed by this product marketing, but unfortunately that's a reality for students and instructors in the US, even when international experiences of students and faculty reach beyond US industry and commerce. I recommend this text for US instructors and advanced students, with some mathematical and international experience, but not as a general introduction to principles of GIS.

Alex Brown (a.brown@ieee.org) (...)

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Selasa, 20 April 2010

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Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics), by Harold J. Larson

Shelf wear. Slight tanning to top edge, endpages and pastedown. Small/tiny tears to dust cover. Slight dent to spine. Owner name marked out on fore edge. Pages are clean and binding is tight.

  • Sales Rank: #2464158 in Books
  • Published on: 1974-02-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 430 pages

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Minggu, 18 April 2010

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Textbook of Cell Signalling in Cancer: An Educational Approach, by Jacques Robert

This book provides a simplified, yet comprehensive, overview of the signalling pathways operating between and inside cells, which will help younger oncologists find their way in the labyrinth of signalling pathways and in the multitude of signals and signal receptors, transducers and effectors that contribute to oncogenesis.

This comprehensive reference text is based on the master’s courses delivered by Prof. Jacques Robert to graduate students at the University of Bordeaux, France. It includes a large number of colour schemas and figures that have been improved year after year for educational purposes. Signalling pathways are described individually and in depth, but without ignoring the multiplicity of interconnections and crosstalk. The presentation of each pathway is followed by a brief description of the alterations found in cancers as well as of the targeted pharmacological approaches that can be used to prevent or overcome the consequences of these oncogenic alterations. The basic mechanisms of molecular biology at the DNA replication, RNA transcription and protein activity levels are presented in a series of didactic annexes, enabling readers to better understand the alterations in signalling pathways.

  • Sales Rank: #3490013 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-10-12
  • Released on: 2016-10-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x .83" w x 6.10" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 328 pages


“Aiming not only at helping the medical oncology community, especially those who are in daily practice, but also the pharmacologists, physicians and scientists in the pharmaceutical industry, this textbook provides a very useful guide. … Each chapter is followed by selected and updated bibliographic references. This textbook is a very valuable didactic aid to the clinical oncologist and to those in the pharmaceutical industry who are interested in anticancer agents.” (Ferdy J. Lejeune, Melanoma Research, Vol. 26, 2016)

From the Back Cover

This book provides a simplified, yet comprehensive, overview of the signalling pathways operating between and inside cells, which will help younger oncologists find their way in the labyrinth of signalling pathways and in the multitude of signals and signal receptors, transducers and effectors that contribute to oncogenesis.

This comprehensive reference text is based on the master’s courses delivered by Prof. Jacques Robert to graduate students at the University of Bordeaux, France. It includes a large number of colour schemas and figures that have been improved year after year for educational purposes. Signalling pathways are described individually and in depth, but without ignoring the multiplicity of interconnections and crosstalk. The presentation of each pathway is followed by a brief description of the alterations found in cancers as well as of the targeted pharmacological approaches that can be used to prevent or overcome the consequences of these oncogenic alterations. The basic mechanisms of molecular biology at the DNA replication, RNA transcription and protein activity levels are presented in a series of didactic annexes, enabling readers to better understand the alterations in signalling pathways.

About the Author
Jacques Robert is a Professor of Biological Oncology at the University of Bordeaux, France and currently teaches cell biology, basic oncology and molecular pharmacology to medical and scientific students, with special courses on new developments in cancer targeted therapies. He is an oncobiologist at the department of Biopathology of Institut Bergonié, the Comprehensive cancer centre of Bordeaux, and is responsible for the routine and specialised clinical chemistry tests performed in patients. His research activities at INSERM U916 are focused on the molecular determinants of the activity of anticancer drugs, both at the levels of the patient’s genome (pharmacogenetics) and at the level of the tumour genome (pharmacogenomics). This activity is developed on both in vitro and in vivo models and at the level of clinical studies aiming at identifying the genetic factors involved in the efficiency and toxicity of classical and targeted anticancer drugs, especially in colorectal, head-and-neck and breast cancers.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A Must Read for Beginners and Experts
By Dr. Terrence McGarty
The book by Robert, the Textbook of cancer signaling, is one of the best works on cell signaling available as an introduction. As the author indicates in the preface the intent is for oncologists to obtain a better perspective of the issues associated with the wealth of new therapeutics as well as some of the key issues behind their introduction. For the most part the work is a high level, but not simplistic, organization and presentation of the key signaling paths. The general approach is to detail one class of paths after another and describe in excellent detail the elements of those pathways and how they function. Then there is a brief exposition of how aberrations in the pathways lead to oncogenic effects and then a discussion on pharmacological possibilities. This is done chapter by chapter.

The author’s collection and organization is superb and it presents the reader with an organization that they can come back to time and time again. He covers kinases, including MAP and other elements, cytokines, TGF, G protein, Wnt, Notch, and Hedgehog. He also discusses integrins and a collection of adhesion molecules. There is a discussion of B and T cell issues including Toll Like receptors and lymphocytic receptors. He ends with excellent discussions on cell cycle control as well as apoptosis.

The Appendices are superb summaries of DNA control, gene expression and protein activity. Overall this is a book that should be on the desk of almost every oncologist and it is an excellent summary for those involved in pathway analysis and their implications.

The most important elements of the book are the author’s organization and integration. It is simple, straightforward and touches on all the current elements under consideration.

This is not a book for the specialist but it is worth reading by those deeply involved in that work to see haw one person who truly understands the depth and breadth sees it structured.

On the side of a critique, and this is hard given the superb effort displayed, issue such as epigenetic factors should have gotten some bit of discussion. Specifically the issue of methylation and miRNA silencing need to be integrated into the overall signaling fabric. However that would clearly have extended and expanded the work

Also the reader should not look at this as a reference book, it was not intended as such.

Finally my only one negative is the lack of an Index. That most likely is a publisher problem and not the author’s problem. The lack of an index is not that serious since the author has organized the book so well it is almost not necessary.

I would strongly recommend this book for anyone seeking to learn pathway issues in cancer and those who are deeply involved already. The logical wholeness of the work is worth understanding by all.

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
When will publishers get it thru their heads you need a bigger eBook contents sample?
By D. Covington
Ebook sample only includes the Table of conents. Insuffcient to decide if the book is usable to the lay person.

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Jumat, 16 April 2010

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With her ex-husband behind bars, Emma should be able to relax, but the largest threat still looms.

FBI agent Hawk Kinkaid is forced to flee Westwood Harbor, and the only one that can save him is Emma's twin sister, Vivian. As Vivian's desire grows for him, Hawk still continues to hold her at arm's length. That doesn't prevent her from wanting to protect him, even if that means hiding him in her family's cabin. Sometimes bad ideas are better than no ideas at all.

Can their close proximity finally prompt them to confess their true feelings to each other?

Danger lurks around every corner and the threat becomes more real for all involved when Norman escapes from prison.

Heat Level: moderate. Suspense, action, thriller level: moderate. Light swearing. No cliffhanger. 18+

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  • Sales Rank: #95860 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-04-17
  • Released on: 2014-04-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook

The most exciting book yet! - L HowardI was so curious as to what would happen next and was so drawn into the story - Danielle

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
One last effort
By Wendy McQuiston
With one last effort, he tried. But came out on the bottom. Oh this book is soooo good. Wait till the last chapter. You,ll never see it coming

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
This Series is holding its 'Heat'.
By Beejae
I have thoroughly enjoyed Lisa's series. The stories flow easily from each point of conflict and tension to the next, the main conflicts are resolved each time in a satisfactory manner, but there is still the 'cliff-hanger' effect at the end to have the reader looking for the next in the series.
Well done, Lisa!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
By June
Just one question??? When does the 4th book come out??? Lol wow!! Loved the outcome on this one. Will have to keep my eyes open for the next...Jerry' s story...Woooohooo

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Sabtu, 10 April 2010

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Beyond the MBA Hype: A Guide to Understanding and Surviving B-Schools: Indian Edition, by Sameer Kamat

“This comprehensive and attractively written guide should be required reading for anyone contemplating an MBA at an international business school.”
says Dr Jochen Runde (MBA Director), University of Cambridge

This is a revised and updated edition of this bestselling book with useful new material to guide the MBA aspirant – the working executive as well as the fresh college graduate – on doing MBA from abroad.

Most Indian MBA applicants are completely at sea when it comes to approaching international education opportunities. This is primarily because the MBA selection process and the parameters considered by the top business schools abroad for admitting candidates into their fold are very different from what applicants are used to.

Beyond the MBA Hype talks about the typical issues, challenges and dilemmas that Indian and international applicants grapple with when it comes to the best MBA programs.

Here's what the top Bschool admissions officers are saying:

“I found the perspective quite interesting in terms of even better understanding the mindset and concerns of Indian candidates in particular. It’s not a ‘here’s how to get admitted’ story but rather ‘here are some things to make sure you’re thinking about the right things,’ which I believe is a great approach. Too often, candidates rush to an MBA thinking it will provide all of their dreams. Beyond The MBA Hype does a good job of helping them to think through the process of not just admission but the entire MBA….”

- Brad Rosenwinkel, Associate Director of Admissions
Kelley Business School (Indiana University)

“The book was engaging because the author used narratives to convey the messages. He is right that applicants from India neglect to consider their ‘fit‘ in a school and focus too much on metrics such as rankings.”

- Sheldon Dookeran, Assistant Director of Admissions
Rotman School of Management (University of Toronto)

Media reviews for Beyond The MBA Hype:

"Anybody who is intimidated by the prospect of stepping into the B-school jungle will find this book helpful." - The Telegraph

"...Refreshingly unlike any other business and management book..." - Mail Today

“…Kamat systematically and effectively, demolishes the notion that an MBA is a magic wand that will change your life…the book destroys the myth of the invincible MBA…” – Mail Today

“A book that can set you on an effective path” – The Hindu – Business Line

  • Sales Rank: #543923 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-12-01
  • Released on: 2013-12-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Here's what the top Bschool admissions officers are saying:

"It's not a 'here's how to get admitted' story but rather 'here are some things to make sure you're thinking about the right things,' which I believe is a great approach. Too often, candidates rush to an MBA thinking it will provide all of their dreams. Beyond The MBA Hype does a good job of helping them to think through the process of not just admission but the entire MBA...."
- Brad Rosenwinkel, Associate Director of Admissions
Kelley Business School (Indiana University)

"The book was engaging because the author used narratives to convey the messages. He is right that MBA applicants neglect to consider their 'fit' in a school and focus too much on metrics such as rankings."
- Sheldon Dookeran, Assistant Director of Admissions
Rotman School of Management (University of Toronto)

"Kudos to Sameer! I could not agree more with what I have read.
I have found the book to provide a much needed perspective on important factors that should be considered when deciding on an MBA program, which are often overlooked. I agree with Beyond the MBA Hype's perspective that, if students choose a program that is a strong fit with their personal and professional goals, they will see the highest return on investment."
- Katie Radcliffe, Associate Director of Admissions
Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business (Rice University)

Media reviews for Beyond The MBA Hype:

"Anybody who is intimidated by the prospect of stepping into the B-school jungle will find this book helpful." - The Telegraph

"...Refreshingly unlike any other business and management book..." - Mail Today

"A book that can set you on an effective path" - The Hindu - Business Line

About the Author
Sameer Kamat is an Indian author based in Mumbai. He completed his MBA from the University of Cambridge. He is also the founder of MBA Crystal Ball, a leading MBA admissions consulting venture that helps Indian applicants get into the top MBA programs globally.

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Beyond the MBA Hype
By A one time MBA aspirant
As someone who is not looking to do an MBA, and therefore does not fall within the intended audience, this book was a great read. Sameer, the author, has made an attempt to cater specifically to the needs of prospective MBA applicants from India.

A few great points about this book are:
1. Sameer has a distinctive lucid and free-flowing style of writing that causes the reader to feel as if he is sitting right across the table, having a conversation. Difficult topics such as "career change", "skills gap" and "networking" have been simplified to a level that everyone would be able to comprehend.
2. It offers a holistic view of the entire MBA experience - from pre-MBA insecurities ("Do I really need an MBA?") to post-MBA recruitment.
3. A thought ringing through the entire book, which the author drives the reader to delve deeper into, is to (re)evaluate whether an MBA would be a step in the right direction - something that most books written along similar lines don't do well. This is one of the great strengths of this book.
4. The story of two fictional characters - Sachin and Mitu - representing the two extreme ends of the Indian social spectrum, serves as an outline to which all topics in the book are aligned. Readers would be able to immediately relate and connect with either of the two, which gives a human feel to an otherwise seemingly dry collection of topics.
5. The book is peppered with witty and humorous comments that make it a pleasant read.
6. The length - 172 pages - makes it ideal to be finished in a couple of sittings.

A few areas in which the book is a little lacking:
1. A lot of Indian (Hindi) words have been used all through. Though it is geared mainly towards Indian applicants, for those of us that might not be familiar with such terms, a short appendix with explanations would have been helpful.
2. Except for in the Appendices, the author has not shared any personal stories all through the book. This was probably to ensure non-biasedness of thoughts. However, sharing some personal stories (for example, on "career change", which the author successfully made) would have made it more interesting.
3. A large number of topics are covered - probably too many for 172 pages. Therefore, every topic is no more than a summary. This being by design, though it provides an overview of a number of topics, leaves it a little thin on details. Maybe the author intends to take up some of these topics in greater detail in his next book(s).
4. Links in footnotes could have been edited and made shorter. Some have browsing history embedded in them.

All in all, this is a great book that is highly recommended for every MBA aspirant from India.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A must read for evey aspiring MBA applicant!
By Preeti Wadekar
There are many books, websites and consultants that charge an arm and leg to "get you into" business schools, but very few that will give you a peek into life after an MBA - something that every aspiring MBA aiming for a top international business school MUST factor in his/ her preparation. `Beyond the MBA Hype' is one such resourceful guide for anyone contemplating going in for an ambitious MBA program.
While it would be a great read for anyone sitting on the fence regarding the decision to go in for an MBA, it is certainly not an overstatement to say that every aspiring applicant should include this book as a part of his or her preparation. An MBA is an investment in yourself - and a rather expensive one. With a significant amount of resources that a candidate commits to over a period of 1-2 years, it is only common sense to understand what to expect going in. This book gives a great ringside overview, right from the application process, most sought after post-MBA career paths, networking, in-class instructional delivery models and a few MBA clichés 
I am completing my MBA from Columbia Business School and would definitely recommend that incorporating insights from this book into the MBA application is advisable to come across as an informed applicant.
There are more than a few dozen books flooding the MBA application market, but this one stands out for Kamat's witty narrative, breadth and depth of content and an ability to connect with and address just about any question that an MBA applicant has on their mind but gets answers to only after setting foot on campus - which can be a costly proposition.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Will save you a bundle if you take the time to read
By Rajesh Settu
I completed an MBA from a relatively high ranked business school 10 years ago and all I can say is that my life would certainly have been easier if I'd had access to a book like this at that point in time.

This book (which I received as a review copy) packs style, personality and humor with an abundant dose of useful information. Throughout the book, the author displays an easy going sense of humor. For example he makes a statement that the top talent from India that can't get into the IIMs (India's top B Schools) settles for Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, and the rest of the top programs globally. And for the earlier reviewer who said that he (she?) did not like the mix of Hindi in the book ... actually it's called Hinglish (Hindi + English) and is very well understood by most Indians. Adding an appendix of those terms would be like trying to explain a joke.

The book features real life stories which give the prospective applicant an idea of what to expect before, during and beyond the MBA. There are also fascinating facts and statistics that one can glean from reading this book. Case in point - did you know that only 19,000 Indians took the GMAT while 200,000 Indians took the CAT (the test that you write to get into Indian business schools)?

This book will help you avoid mismatched expectations and navigate through the maze of consultants, MBA coaching programs, admission essays and standardized testing. It could save you a bundle of money by helping you to select the right school and focus your efforts in the right direction.

The book also gives you a head start over your peers by giving you a preview of MBA courses, how MBA class teams really work, what they teach and what they can't teach (common sense, practicality, creativity and foresight.) You get a glimpse of how networking really works and how to land an internship.

For me the best part of the book is where the author describes a day in his life when he was an MBA student at Cambridge. It made me wish for my student days all over again!

A must read if you are an Indian b-school aspirant.

See all 61 customer reviews...

Beyond the MBA Hype: A Guide to Understanding and Surviving B-Schools: Indian Edition, by Sameer Kamat PDF
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[L464.Ebook] Download Ebook Beyond the MBA Hype: A Guide to Understanding and Surviving B-Schools: Indian Edition, by Sameer Kamat Doc
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Rabu, 07 April 2010

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Marketing Communications by Lynne Eagle (15-Aug-2014) Paperback, by Lynne Eagle

  • Published on: 1600
  • Binding: Paperback

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Jumat, 02 April 2010

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Quiet Leadership: Winning Hearts, Minds and Matches, by Carlo Ancelotti

Carlo Ancelotti is one of the greatest managers of all time, with five Champions League titles to his name. Yet his approach could not be further from the aggressive theatricals favoured by many of his rivals. His understated style has earned him the fierce loyalty of players like David Beckham, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Cristiano Ronaldo.

In Quiet Leadership, Ancelotti reveals the full, riveting story of his managerial career - his methods, mentors, mistakes and triumphs - and takes us inside the dressing room to trace the characters, challenges and decisions that have shaped him. The result is both a scintillating memoir and a rare insight into the business of leadership.

  • Sales Rank: #399428 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2016-05-26
  • Released on: 2016-05-26
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Ancelotti is Europe's greatest manager -- Paul Hayward Telegraph He's a great coach and an amazing person -- Cristiano Ronaldo There is nobody better than this international crisis manager to explain how to handle superstar players (Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale), difficult club presidents (Silvio Berlusconi and Roman Abramovich) and hysterical media -- Simon Kuper Financial Times

About the Author
CARLO ANCELOTTI has won football's ultimate prize, the Champions League, arecord five times - twice as a player and three times as a manager. He has coached clubs including Parma, Juventus, AC Milan, Paris Saint-Germain, Real Madrid and Chelsea (winning the 'Double' in 2010). He has won titles in every country in which he has managed.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Greta book on leadership
By Jan Henrik
Interesting to read about his quiet leadership style and what he has managed to do - both AS player and manager. Seems like he is a great person as well as a world class manager

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great read
By Andrew Baker
Very thought provoking read. I work with coaches and athletes in a daily basis and see very applicable lessons that can be implemented at all levels of sports.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Stuart
An excellent book; however, for the time spent researching, and the man involved IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN LONGER!

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Kamis, 01 April 2010

[T547.Ebook] Fee Download The Game of Conservation: International Treaties to Protect the World's Migratory Animals (Ecology & History), by Mark Cioc

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The Game of Conservation: International Treaties to Protect the World's Migratory Animals (Ecology & History), by Mark Cioc

The Game of Conservation: International Treaties to Protect the World's Migratory Animals (Ecology & History), by Mark Cioc

The Game of Conservation: International Treaties to Protect the World's Migratory Animals (Ecology & History), by Mark Cioc

Fee Download The Game of Conservation: International Treaties to Protect the World's Migratory Animals (Ecology & History), by Mark Cioc

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The Game of Conservation: International Treaties to Protect the World's Migratory Animals (Ecology & History), by Mark Cioc

The Game of Conservation is a brilliantly crafted and highly readable examination of nature protection around the world.

Twentieth-century nature conservation treaties often originated as attempts to regulate the pace of killing rather than as attempts to protect animal habitat. Some were prompted by major breakthroughs in firearm techniques, such as the invention of the elephant gun and grenade harpoons, but agricultural development was at least as important as hunting regulations in determining the fate of migratory species. The treaties had many defects, yet they also served the goal of conservation to good effect, often saving key species from complete extermination and sometimes keeping the population numbers at viable levels. It is because of these treaties that Africa is dotted with large national parks, that North America has an extensive network of bird refuges, and that there are any whales left in the oceans. All of these treaties are still in effect today, and all continue to influence nature-protection efforts around the globe.

Drawing on a wide variety of primary and secondary sources, Mark Cioc shows that a handful of treaties—all designed to protect the world’s most commercially important migratory species—have largely shaped the contours of global nature conservation over the past century. The scope of the book ranges from the African savannahs and the skies of North America to the frigid waters of the Antarctic.

  • Sales Rank: #3921209 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-12-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .80" w x 6.00" l, .95 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 232 pages

“An impressive and fresh approach to studying the environment in the twenty–first century.”
— Michael Lewis, Salisbury University

“The Game of Conservation is a concise, well-researched, and nicely presented study of pioneering wildlife protection treaties from the first half of the twentieth century.… This study offers a valuable model for environmental historians seeking to provide accessible and insightful scholarship that transcends national boundaries.”
— Environmental History

“The book’s expository prose style is in tune with its overall design: clarity and utility are foremost.… The Game of Conservation will be a valuable resource for any scholar of conservation, colonialism or international treaty making.”
— Environment and History

“In an engaging style reminiscent of a mystery novel, Cioc relates the historical, political, sociological, and ecological stories behind the treaties.…Knowing the origins of animal protection efforts does much to explain the conservation problems these species still face.”
— Choice

About the Author
Mark Cioc is a professor of history at the University of California, Santa Cruz and the author of The Rhine: An Eco-Biography, 1815–2000. He is a coeditor of How Green Were the Nazis? Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich.

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