Jumat, 11 Juli 2014

[V372.Ebook] PDF Ebook Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites, by Ashraf Ezzat

PDF Ebook Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites, by Ashraf Ezzat

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Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites, by Ashraf Ezzat

Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites, by Ashraf Ezzat

Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites, by Ashraf Ezzat

PDF Ebook Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites, by Ashraf Ezzat

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Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites, by Ashraf Ezzat

What if the whole story of the Exodus from Egypt was a fake story, and what if we could prove that it is?
Whenever we say ‘the Exodus’ everybody unconsciously and instantly recognizes the story as the fleeing of the Israelites headed by Moses from the grip of Egypt’s ruthless Pharaoh. Thanks to Hollywood films this Exodus story has sunk deep in the collective subconscious of the masses, so deep that the story of Moses and Pharaoh has turned into an almost unshakable historical truth that once took place in Ancient Egypt.
But actually nothing in the ‘milieu of that story’ indicates that it happened in Egypt, except maybe the mistaken association between ‘Pharaoh’ and ‘King’ of Egypt.
Likewise, nothing in ancient Egyptian records or its oral tradition say or even allude to the fact that this tale of Moses really happened in Egypt. Even more shocking is the fact that the ancient Egyptian records do not refer to the Kings of Egypt as Pharaohs. Yes, Pharaoh was never a title for Egypt’s king. Linking Pharaoh to Ancient Egypt is merely a myth propagated by centuries of falsehood brought about by misleading interpretation of Biblical history.
The only reason we know the story of the Exodus happened in Egypt is because the Bible says so. We keep on believing that is the case because mainstream Egyptologists just went along with the Biblical narrative and absentmindedly designated Egypt’s Kings as Pharaohs. But if we examined the Hebrew text the Bible (currently in our hands) used as a reference we will strangely not find Egypt mentioned in it as the site/land of the Exodus story. The whole mess/deception took place during translating the Hebrew/Aramaic stories into Greek back in the third century BC. This is when Egypt was first hijacked and forcibly placed in the Hebrew Bible as the theater of the Israelite landmark stories. Ironically this whole act of duplicity took place on Egyptian soil and specifically at its legendary library of Alexandria.
But what if the Bible as we know it has long been tampered with?
• What if the first western translation of the so-called Israelite stories, that came to be known as the Septuagint Bible, was a distorted translation?
• What if the Israelite stories we all have been made to believe took place in Egypt simply did not?
• What if Egypt was fraudulently introduced in the Bible as the theater of the Israelite stories?
• What if the homeland of Judaism and the early Israelites is not Palestine?
• What if ancient Egypt never knew any so called Pharaohs?
• What if Abraham, Joseph and Moses never set foot in Egypt nor even dreamed about it?
What if the whole story of the Exodus from Egypt was a fake story, and what if we could prove that it is?

  • Sales Rank: #170214 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-03-03
  • Released on: 2015-03-03
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Of all the claims and evidence put forward by the ...
By Sylvan Cumberbatch
Of all the claims and evidence put forward by the author, one thing sticks with me more than any other and that is "Egypt and Egyptians were mentioned in the Bible around seven hundred times. Could you imagine that, seven hundred times and not even once the pyramid, the wonder of antiquity, was referred to in the Israelite stories". All throughout history any person of who has been to Egypt have always mentioned the Pyramids in their writings, the bible is the only book that doesn't. For me that makes it clear that the stories did not take place in that part of the world as stated by the bible.

23 of 28 people found the following review helpful.
A profound revision of Old Testament facts
By John Kaminski
Dr. Ezzat's new book is a game changer in that it challenges the mainstream version of Old Testament scholarship by insisting Egyptian records show no knowledge of the Israelites, which casts serious doubt on the traditional Jewish history that Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt, and Moses later led the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land in Palestine. The author makes a strong case that events typically portrayed as happening in Egypt really took place in southwestern Arabia. His use of the testimony of established Egyptologists make a convincing case that when the Old Testament was translated into Greek in the second century BC, the 70 rabbis who did the translating gave the Hebrews a much more important role in history than they actually had, and badly slandered the Egyptians as immoral slave owners, which was something they had never been. This is a must read for those who want to debunk the phony Jewish assertions in the Old Testament.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
All they did was change a few words but it was easy to spot
By toni ann williams
My hat off to you also Dr. Ezzat! Finally someone has come out with true history that can be traced. I just read your book and it confirmed what I have been thinking ever since I read the Sumerian Tablets...I saw huge copyright issues with the Torah/Bible OT right away.. I thought wow the Tablets make the Bible make sense..:) Well of course they did word for word almost. All they did was change a few words but it was easy to spot. Makes sense why they won't let anyone into Saudi Arabia where they say are the remains of an alter that they think may have been in the desert where the Israelites were supposed to have been. The Elite are destroying everything in the Middle East to wipe out any evidence so that when they bring in their one world Religion they will be able to draw everyone under one mass religious control. Most are ignorant of any real history of their own faith's that they will be sucked in without mercy. Thank you for confirming what I had already believed; like you said the religions of the Jewish people Torah and the Arab people are just to close not to be one and the same. That has bothered me for a long time.. I had come to the conclusion that Rome had had their hands in it but it is just as you have stated. I will pass this book to as many people as I can to wake up the masses so their can finally be PEACE in the world.

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[V372.Ebook] PDF Ebook Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites, by Ashraf Ezzat Doc

[V372.Ebook] PDF Ebook Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites, by Ashraf Ezzat Doc
[V372.Ebook] PDF Ebook Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites, by Ashraf Ezzat Doc

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